What Is the Correct Definition of Disgrace

The way he treats his dogs is an absolute disgrace. Holman was sent home in disgrace after attacking one of the other players. It is worship and judgment, fame and impending shame, supreme honor and profound loss of face, huddled together. Shame, shame, discredit, shame, shame means the state or state of suffering of loss of appreciation and permanent reproach. Shame often means humiliation and sometimes exclusion. Sent home in shame Shame focuses on the loss of honor one has enjoyed, or the loss of self-esteem. Preferential death rather than living in shame Discrediting focuses on losing one`s own reputation or acquiring a bad reputation. A once proud name that has fallen into disrepute usually involves both notoriety and exaggerated shame. A day that lives in shame focuses on humiliation. The shame of being arrested I treated him during several episodes of delirium tremens and I was always afraid that he would come out and embarrass us. This reinstitutionalization of the elderly and mentally ill has been a disgrace that has proved fatal during the pandemic. Marshals tended to attribute their shame to Berthier`s ill will, not to Napoleon`s temperament.

Years later, my brother still believes it`s a shame to be a girl, just like most local boys think these days. The fight seemed to break after the failed shot, and Bieber had to leave the restaurant in disgrace. Anyway, at the end of the One Hundred and One, the Dearly and their dogs defeat the Dalmatians Cruella, forcing them to flee England in disgrace. The scandal put the entire department to shame. The « honey trap » would then be closed with the offer to become a spy or face shame and ruin. You`ll probably notice that grace is a big part of shame. Combine this with the prefix, which means « the opposite of, » and you`ll get a word that includes shame and shame. Think of shame as a kind of fall into sin – it`s what happens when you do something that makes you lose favor or damage your reputation. You could embarrass yourself by seriously losing your tennis match, or you could embarrass yourself by cheating on an exam. Hillary Clinton would also have been forced to resign in disgrace.

So far, we have honored his creations and kept your name and his free from shame. Use the verb shame to say that someone has shamed themselves. Your brother might embarrass himself at the family reunion by being rude to your Uncle Bob. It is a national disgrace, and if we do nothing about it, we will all pay a terrible, terrible price. « You talked about shame, » she remarked softly, swinging her fan on her silk string in front of her. The first occurred in October 2017, when Harvey Weinstein, head of The Weinstein Company, was exposed as a serial sex offender and forced to retire in disgrace. I was made to believe that it was such a shame to be a girl and that I was something really terrible. But as glorious as his success was, his impetuosity soon brought him to shame.