Legal English Passage

The comprehension passage on this page gives you the opportunity to practice an ESL law reading exercise so that you can apply the legal vocabulary you have learned. By using these words in a real reading passage, you can improve your overall skills. The correct answer is (A), « a widening of the Antarctic ice sheet. » In the second paragraph of passage B, the author explicitly mentions the possibility that the Antarctic ice sheet is developing due to global warming and warmer ocean temperatures. On the other hand, Passage A makes no mention of the possibility that the Antarctic ice sheet could develop. In fact, passage A on the theme of the Antarctic ice sheet only alludes to the rupture of part of the Larsen ice shelf (first sentence of the passage), suggesting that the author of passage A believes that the Antarctic ice sheet is shrinking due to global warming. Thus, answer (A) describes something mentioned in passage B, but not in passage A, as a possible consequence of global warming. Answer (C) is wrong because passage B only mentions sea level rise as a possible consequence of global warming. The author`s reference to the possibility that the Antarctic ice sheet could develop suggests that sea level rise may be slowed in the author`s eyes. But nowhere does the author say that sea levels could drop due to global warming. The following passage was written in the late 1980s. The correct answer option is (B).

In the second paragraph, the author discusses the right of indigenous peoples to legal recognition of indigenous customs. It is clear from the content of the analysis in the passage that the author believes that this right should be protected, but the author notes that it has been difficult to ensure such protection. According to the author, provincial courts have required legal documents to prove that a custom has existed for a long time. However, as the author points out at the end of the second paragraph, this requirement is difficult for Aboriginal societies « which often relied on oral tradition rather than written documents ». Given the author`s view that indigenous customs should be legally recognized, and in many cases considers the requirement of written documents to be an obstacle to such recognition, it can be concluded that the author would probably agree with the assertion that oral tradition should sometimes be considered a legal document for certain indigenous customs. Which of the following questions is at the heart of both passages? Which of the following statements is mentioned in passage B but not in passage A as a possible consequence of global warming? A significant number of questions for comparative reading passages require the ability to infer authors` views and how they compare. Some questions relate to the points of agreement between the authors. Others, like this one, ask questions on points on which the authors disagree.

The answer (D) is wrong because the passage does not cover the development of Lichtenstein`s work. The author does not mention when one of the individual paintings was created during Lichtenstein`s career, but treats the work as a unified whole. Take the famous Roe v. Wade of 1973. Popularly, the case is known as the event that legalized abortion across the United States and became a focal point for abortion and anti-abortion activists in the four decades since the court`s decision. In fact, the court ruled that there is an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution through the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause that cannot be violated by state or federal laws prohibiting the abortion of a fetus, whether it is the woman requesting an abortion or the doctor. who performs the procedure. In essence, the court did not claim that abortion was legal, but rather that the state could not make abortion illegal.

The practical difference may be quite small, but the legal difference is significant. The relationship between passage A and passage B is very similar to the relationship between the documents described in which of the following documents? Answer (E) is incorrect because passage A does not mention fluctuations in solar radiation and Earth orbit as possible causes of global warming. The author of passage B mentions variations in solar radiation and Earth orbit as natural contributors to climate variability, but does so to illustrate a more general point, namely that natural climate variability may well explain global warming. Solar radiation and the Earth`s orbit are not the central concern of Passage B. Answer (C) is incorrect because the passages provide no evidence to support the conclusion that the authors disagree on the effects of warmer air temperatures on ocean water temperatures. The author of Passage B believes that warmer air temperatures would warm the oceans. The author says in the second paragraph: « Certainly, as the earth warms, sea levels will rise as the water warms and expands. » However, the author of passage A says nothing at all about a causal relationship between air temperature and ocean water temperature, and this lack of evidence does not support the conclusion that the author would disagree with the view expressed by the author of passage B. The fight for legal recognition of Indigenous rights is difficult, and even if a right is incorporated into law, there is no guarantee that the future will not bring legislative changes that undermine the law. For this reason, in 1982, the Canadian federal government extended constitutional protection to the already legislated rights of Aboriginal peoples. This protection was extended to Indians, Inuit and Métis, the three groups commonly considered to be the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. But this decision placed an enormous burden on the district courts to interpret the necessarily general constitutional language and translate it into specific decisions. This has resulted in inconsistent recognition and establishment of Aboriginal rights, despite ongoing efforts by Aboriginal peoples to address issues related to their rights.

This question requires the candidate to use the evidence of the passage to infer what the author is most likely to believe. It is not simply a matter of identifying something that the author says explicitly. Rather, the candidate must identify what can reasonably be inferred from what the author says. The answer (B) is wrong because the author of passage B knows that at least one factor other than the melting of the ice sheets – namely the expansion of water during warming – can cause sea level rise (third sentence of the second paragraph). There is no evidence that the author of passage B believes that those making the predictions cited in passage A are unaware of this additional factor, or that the melting of the polar ice sheets is the only causal mechanism they rely on in their predictions. There are many people who work with the law, such as lawyers or judges. A lawyer is a lawyer who spends most of his time advising clients and preparing legal documents such as wills or contracts for the purchase and sale of houses. They have to be very careful and make sure that all the details are correct, otherwise their customers could lose a lot of money. Answer (D) is incorrect because, as mentioned in the explanation of answer (A) above, passage B does not mention carbon dioxide or any type of human activity that increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Most reading comprehension sentences for individual passages include a question that asks about the main point or central theme of the passage or the author`s primary purpose in writing. The same is true for most comparative reading sentences, but in comparative reading sentences, the questions may focus on the main point, main purpose, or central theme of the two passages, as is the case here. The correct answer is (C). The author of passage A begins by describing some of the recent phenomena attributed to atmospheric warming. Some of the author`s particular word choices – such as « the most spectacular manifestation to date » (second sentence of passage, emphasis added) and « have been emerging worldwide for several years » (end of first paragraph) – clearly imply that such « spectacular » phenomena are likely to continue to occur in the years to come. And in the second paragraph, the author describes the effects of projected sea level rise due to global warming as « potentially irreversible. » On the other hand, the author of passage B argues that an « extreme view » of global warming has developed, containing « exaggerations and misrepresentations » (first paragraph of the passage). For example, at the end of the second paragraph, the author states: « Certainly, we need to have a better understanding of the water cycle before predicting the disastrous consequences of the recent rise in global temperatures. » Unlike the author of passage A, the author of passage B argues that some of the conclusions based on global warming phenomena have no basis. The choice of answer (E) is incorrect. The author raises the possibility that the Supreme Court of Canada may be better able to support constitutional reforms. The author even expresses the hope that this will be so. However, it is wrong to consider this hope as the main point of the passage, since the Supreme Court is only mentioned in the context of a particular court case.

This is not the focus of the author`s discussion. Answer (E) is wrong because passage A in the first two paragraphs deals with major flooding resulting from global warming.