Legal Bogota

The department has developed in the field of legal advice to companies subject to the audit processes carried out by the Pension and Parafiscal Management Unit (UGPP): the objective is to ensure that the result of the settlement resulting from these audits is close to zero. « This practice was very effective and timely in responding to our requirements and questions. In addition, its professionals denote an exceptional mastery of labor issues and its legal advice is objective and clear, showing the risks and strengths in decision-making that our company must assume. That`s what makes it unique. « The legal advice and support service is provided by lawyers with specific knowledge on various subjects. Always coordinated with the firm`s senior partner. The lawyers` answers are always up to date. DG&A – Abogados is a Colombian full-service law firm founded in 1997 with the aim of providing legal advice to domestic and foreign companies through a group of bilingual lawyers with experience and influence in the main areas of legal practice. tax practice of the DG&A has a practical vision of the advisory needs of its clients. She understands the importance of conceptualization, but is also aware that managers need concrete tools for their decision-making process. With this in mind, the department offers agile and timely advice.

Nevertheless, legal concepts are always sufficiently supported legally and scientifically. Organigramas de la Administración Distrital, almacenados por años, con navegación a través de las diferentes entidades. Contiene planes de desarrollo distritales históricos y el vigente. As far as the Department of Public Law is concerned, its main area of activity is advice on contractual matters with the State, litigation before the contentious administrative court and verification of compliance with standards. As part of the services offered by this department and taking into account the nature of the clients, a new space has been developed to advise companies on the review and support in the implementation of human rights standards at all levels. « Responsiveness and speed of execution are essential for me. In 18 years, María del Rosario Gómez and Maria Isabel Molinares have not missed a deadline: unique for the region. In 2016, the firm, in particular the Corporate Law department, was mentioned by and ranked among the best known clients: ( Legalización de las ligas y asociaciones de consumidores que se encuentran domiciliadas en el Distrito Capital. DG&A`s domestic and foreign clients appreciate the company as they receive full and comprehensive support for their businesses. The company`s philosophy is to provide fast, holistic, highly reliable and qualified services. The pursuit of excellence, understood as a constant and disciplined process, is the touchstone that guides the work of DG&A.

In order to better serve the diverse interests of our clients, DG&A has correspondents in a network of specialized local and international companies and global alliances. « I have a direct relationship with María del Rosario Gómez, the senior partner of the firm with whom we work on transcendental issues of our business. She has extensive experience in retail – the firm has very important clients in this industry. » Es un aplicativo de consulta que no tiene ningún costo. « At the DGA, I work mainly with María del Rosario Gómez and Maria Isabel Molinares. Four key characteristics distinguish these lawyers from their competitors: practical, solution-oriented advice; Creativity; Reactivity; Speed. In its fields of activity, the firm is best known for its personal attention to its clients, for its in-depth analysis and for its speed in its responses. Permite realizar búsquedas por número o clase de documento, entidad, año, palabras clave, y fecha.

REGIME LEGAL © Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá Términos y condiciones Política de privacidad y tratamiento de datos personales Políticas de derechos de Autor Buenas prácticas en el uso de fotografías y videos, protección de los Derechos de Autor Mapa del sitio Documentos con resúmenes y compilaciones de gran interés. « I have worked with the firm on a variety of topics over the past 18 years. What distinguishes DGA from other companies is its attention to detail, rigor and responsiveness. The result of the work is far superior to that of other companies. « Lawyers are distinguished by their knowledge, quick attention and clear, concise advice. « We feel like this team is part of our organization. » Permite encontrar los documentos que afectan la estructura orgánica de las entidades en el D.C. DLA Piper Martinez Beltran works with conglomerates of companies based and operating in Colombia, among others, and has significant expertise in a range of practices, including corporate, mergers and acquisitions, banking, antitrust, capital markets, litigation, tax and energy. « We appreciate the speed and reliability of the team, as well as the opportunities offered every step of the way. » Reconocimiento que se otorga a los comités de desarrollo y control social conformados con el objeto de organizar la participación comunitaria en la.

« The company has excellent management of corporate and foreign exchange issues. Maria del Rosario Gómez is an excellent lawyer who supports her at all times. In addition, DLA Piper Martinez Beltran is part of LatamLex Abogados, an association of law firms serving clients in Central America and Colombia. The association also includes companies based in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. Main areas of practice: The main areas of activity are corporate mergers and acquisitions, labour and labour law, taxation, constitutional and administrative law. Nevertheless, the firm is active in the fields of banking and finance, human rights for business, energy and natural resources, foreign trade, real estate law, litigation and public international law. The firm has a team of more than 15 employees in various fields of activity. The partners are graduates of the best Colombian universities and are fluent in at least one language other than Spanish. Clients include industrial, commercial and service companies as well as domestic and foreign investment agencies.