Sinonimos De La Medicina Legal

In Spain, forensic medicine is developed in two areas: In fact, I am the chief of forensic medicine for the state of Massachusetts. Commonly called forensic medicine (forum: because in ancient times the forums or courts where this discipline was practiced), two schools are currently distinguished: the Latin school, where forensic doctors are trained, and the Anglo-Saxon school, where forensic doctors are trained. Forensics, also known as forensics, medical jurisprudence, or forensic pathology, is a branch of medicine that determines the origin of an injured person`s injuries or, in particular, the cause of death by examining a corpse. It examines the medical aspects arising from the day-to-day practice of the courts where they act as experts. The specialist in this field is called coroner (from the Latin legis, « law ») or forensic pathologist. Forensic pathology includes the following sub-disciplines, which are raised from a purely descriptive point of view (since nothing is foreign to forensic pathology and everything contributes to its objectives): Forensic pathology is the medical specialty that applies all the knowledge of medicine to assist judges and courts in the administration of justice; That is, it is the link between law and medicine. He works for a forensic department in the south. The figure of the coroner is that of experts, experts in medicine, who work as civil servants directly for the administration of justice. In their work, they prepare the reports requested of them on any medical matter that may be of interest to judges and/or prosecutors. In particular, its opinions cover the following issues: Forensic medicine is the body of medical and biological knowledge necessary to solve the problems raised by the law. He also makes this knowledge available for the advice, improvement and further development of laws and has a deep commitment to the ethical and deontological values that are fundamental to professional practice.

It is also the knowledge of the laws that are necessary for daily medical work and that are closely related to medical law. Forensic medicine itself is provided by members of the National Corps of Forensic Medicine, doctors who were organically dependent on the Ministry of Justice until between March 1996 (in Catalonia and the Basque Country) and December 2008 (in Asturias), the powers of judicial staff (including forensic doctors) were transferred to the Autonomous Communities. Some have still not received this referral (Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castile-La Mancha, Castile-León, Murcia and La Rioja) where forensic doctors continue to depend on the Ministry of Justice. The specific work of forensic doctors is carried out in the courts (in fact, until the establishment of the institutes of forensic medicine, they officially worked under the direct instructions of the corresponding judge), prosecutors` offices (for minors) and in some headquarters of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, and, exceptionally, in a certain post of the judicial administration. In criminal investigations, the coroner`s performance is critical. Present oneself – together or not – with the duty judge and the prosecutor`s office if the body is removed after a death suspected of crime or violence; examines and collects external signs of the scene, determines the probable time of death and performs a necropsy of the body; He macroscopically examines the three cavities (cranial, thoracic and abdominal) and takes samples to refer them to specialized forensic science centers, laboratories. In Spain, forensic doctors are civil servants of the National Corps of Forensic Doctors, a dependency of the Ministry of Justice, for whom they must pass an opposition or admission test, and then undergo a period of training. In short, the coroner`s job is to interpret the medical facts of a court case and translate them into language that is useful to judges, prosecutors and lawyers. In most cases, they exercise their functions through forensic institutes, which should be at least one in each Autonomous Community. The work in these institutes must allow better access to technical means and better organization and coordination between forensic doctors in a given area, in order to be able to stop the radically isolated work, as was the case when the mission was reserved exclusively for the court. However, the institutes of forensic medicine are still starting to shoot, and to this day, there remains one, the one in Madrid, which was created on paper but without becoming functional. Forensic pathologists are trained to perform several procedures, including: Forensic pathologists are currently subject to the Corps of Forensic Doctors Organs Ordinance 1996.

It is a science based on evidence, teaches and applies the Galilean method, uses the Cartesian method to which the so-called expert method conforms, which recommends: not to admit as truth what is not conclusive or proven, to order it and to enumerate it from the simple to the complex without omitting anything. Everything, regardless of the problem studied and analyzed. [1].